Women are nags. Yes we are. But we certainly dont CHOOSE to be this way and we certainly dont WISH to be viewed as this consistently complaining bitch. One of the most common complaints that women have is a husband or significant other's lack of help with small jobs around the house. This is an even more common complaint among working women who just dont have the time to do it all. Even moreso...sometimes its not the refusal of a male partner to DO a simple task, its usually the lack of following through with an INCOMPLETE task such as closing the refridgerator door after getting something out, or rinsing the dishes before leaving them in the sink, or replacing the trashliner after emptying it.
To a woman, these small follow-throughs are common sense and considerate of the person who loads the dishawasher and washes the stuck-on crap off of the pots, pans and dinner plates. (My personal pet peave is that stuck-on sludge left to harden at the bottom of a whey protein bottle.)
These are crazy rediculous "small things" that believe me, women wish not to have to bitch about, but they are annoying inconveniences that take up so much of our time to have to correct later on when it would have taken 1 minute out of the culprit's time to do in the first place. One incident after another usually leads to an array of things that usually (God help you boys) all seem to happen at once or all in the same day. NOT a pretty sight if a woman is faced with these annoyances one right after the other.
Solution: THINK ahead. Consider the person who does your laundry, makes your bed, cleans the kitchen, folds your underwear...etc. etc. etc. And listen! Dont just "hear". Women DO actually communicate loud and clear what they need. And remember, doing it once and expecting life- long recognition of achievement for it is not going to work. Good household habits with consideration for those who live with you is a MUST for the happiness and longevity of any domestic partnership.
We all know that a relationship is 50/50 give and take. But the truth is, relationships are 100/100 % of the effort provided by BOTH partners. If you're on board, you'd BETTER be on board. Be prepared to get your toes stomped on from time to time, be prepared to deal with the moodiness of your stressed out mate, and most importantly...go the extra mile to help out wherever and however you can if you truly love them. A little effort sure goes a long way in the eyes of an appreciative partner.
And remember, boys...a happy wife IS a happy life! :)